Most Original Halloween Musician Costumes Of 2017

Halloween is just around the corner and it’s best to prepare now before you’re forced to do yet another cheesy pun outfit. If you’re reading this, then you’re probably looking to dress up like a popular singer, to sport a classic go-to musician look, or perhaps go with something more timely for 2017. Whichever path you decide to take, we’ve got you covered.
For more trendy halloween outfits inspiration, it’s best to look at what the stars wore at award shows this year, in their music videos, if they got a new look, which hot new artists joined the scene or don't forget about the music legends that are no longer with us this year. We still miss you Chris .
If you’re going to a halloween party with friends, dressing up as a band always works. Scroll below to see those ideas.
Lastly, don't forget to visit our music-related halloween costume ideas for even more inspiration.
2017 Halloween Musician Costumes
Lorde’s look from the Green Light music video

Complexity: 1/5
A purple dress and some Adidas shoes is all you really need for this outfit. Best of all, these Adidas are a nice pair of sneakers so you can get some value out of them.
Pink Dress ($13 on Amazon)
This isn’t the exact dress (The real one is a 90s Giorgio Di Sant Angelo that costs almost $2000 but it’s as close as you’ll get for a bit over $10.
Adidas Superstar Sneakers (See sizes on Amazon)
It doesn't really matter if you're planning on going as Lorde or not, you should get these sneakers either way.

Ed Sheeran’s Look from Shape of You

Complexity: 2/5
I love this look because Halloween can get pretty cold and unlike most costumes, this one provides some warmth. You’ll want to grab yourself a varsity jacket, a grey hoodie and a blue beanie.
Varsity Baseball Jacket ($35 on Amazon)
Gildan Grey Hooded Sweatshirt ($25 on Amazon)
Dark Blue Beanie cap ($13 on Amazon)

Beyonce (and her Twins?)

Complexity: 3/5
This one can be especially fun if you’re going trick or treating with two littles ones. Have both of them dress like little bees! As for queen B herself, it’s going to be tough to match this outfit but if you’re close enough most people won’t notice – They'll be too distracted looking at your mini bee colony.
Golden dress ($36 on Amazon)
Kids Bee Costume ($30 on Amazon)

Harry Style’s Today Show look

Complexity: 2/5
This is actually a really stylish look that very few can pull off. Bring your guitar with you for that extra touch.
Pink Suit ($60 Limited Quantities on Amazon)
Men’s Black Shirt (~$20 on Amazon)

Katy Perry’s Spacesuit

Complexity: 5/5
You don’t need the exact spacesuit – it’s actually incredibly tough to find. Get the one below and spice it up with some neon markers, glitter (if you’re cynical) or you can use a bunch of fluorescent sticky notes like the ones below but you’ll need to glue them on from both ends.
Spacesuit outfit (See it on Amazon)
Fluorescent sticky notes ($5 on Amazon)

2017 Halloween Music Band Outfit Ideas
Arcade Fire (Everything Now Look)

Twenty One Pilots

Fifth Harmony

Red Velvet
